Chapter 1

Sometimes you want to revisit a challenge and sometimes you just want to replace a medal you lost.  Boolprop got updated and we now have to collect Flairs.  I am seriously only doing this madness for that reason alone.

Wisteria Plum Souffle was dusted off out of my bin.  She was last seen 7 years ago (?! how has that much time passed?).

In this life, Wisteria is Flirty, Family-Oriented, Irresistible, Nurturing, and Friendly.  All decent traits to nab unsuspecting men and birth their spawn.  She is also going to try her hand at being a Ghost Hunter.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-12-23

This slice of yumminess was going to be the spouse.  He was also saved to the bin for the future.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-13-26

It became quite apparent that this gentleman was better off being the first daddy than the future spouse.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-22-43

Wisteria finds out several things right off the bat.

Name:  Cashew Cream-Tart
Celebrity:  2 stars
Occult: Fairy
Job:  Medical
Zodiac: Aries
Social Group: None

He checked off too many Clusters to be a lowly husband who had to watch his beloved wife through 25 pregnancies.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-24-27

Commence the baby making.  Since there is no husband, there is no point in conceiving this one at home.  A home that has been built, but I forgot to take pics of.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-29-32

Time to start on our money making schemes.  Buy low/resale high…hopefully.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-30-41

Got to read skill books too.  She needs logic for Ghost Hunting.

TS3 2022-05-04 11-31-52

We are in Sunset Valley.  I may probably totally deleted all original females.  Story progression will bring in new blood for the future of this challenge.

TS3 2022-05-04 13-15-15

She does eventually make it to the science center to get her job.

TS3 2022-05-04 14-34-30

Which will come to a fast halt due to this.

TS3 2022-05-04 14-45-39

The house is based off of this plan.  The search was for a barracks-type building and I came across an apartment building that I liked the shell of.

TS3 2022-05-04 14-45-58

She was too poor to do much.  Kitchen, dining, living, and bedroom with bathroom on the bottom floor.

TS3 2022-05-04 14-46-04

Nursery, playroom, 4 bathrooms, and the start of a skill room on the second floor.

TS3 2022-05-04 14-50-48

Geoffrey Landgraab is a bit obsessed with Wisteria.  We don’t even add him into the possible father list.

TS3 2022-05-04 14-58-24

After eating at the Bistro, Wisteria has to befriend a few people to do the interaction to complete the opportunity.  Christopher Steele has nothing we need so far.

TS3 2022-05-04 15-05-52

Boring stuff happens until labor.  Luckily she was not in the middle of cooking when this happened.

TS3 2022-05-04 15-07-20

Baby 1:  Apple Cream-Tart

All kids will sport their fathers last names.

TS3 2022-05-04 07-39-50

I am all about the scoring.  We want the 0.4 point bonus for the short span.  This means it will be a while for the next kid.

TS3 2022-05-04 15-10-27

Also, the babysitter started cooking the leftover food and set the place on fire.  Good thing the stove was the cheapest one she could afford.  It will be about a year before it’s fixed.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-29-44

She finally has jobs around town.  This will also help in finding fathers.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-32-30

Landgraab asked Wisteria on a date.  We can’t afford to say no.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-33-15

Geoffrey:  With a bangin’ body like that, you must be on a veggie diet.
Wisteria:  Oh fuck off.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-39-22

Parker Langerak (one of my favorite SV sims) invited Wisteria over for a pool party later that afternoon.  Yes, with my aging he is a YA already.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-41-58

Geoffrey:  I am not a stalker!  I was invited.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-43-28

Dustin:  Well, yes I have a job and a zodiac sign.

It wasn’t anything interesting though.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-48-37

Jay Xavier was at the party as well.  He has nothing we need, but he is a nice guy.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-49-36

Wisteria locks him.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-50-10

Totally and completely.

TS3 2022-05-05 05-50-38

Parker:  I invited her to the party to get a piece of ass, not watch some bastard swoop in and take her from me.

Xavier:  You didn’t have a chance, dude.

TS3 2022-05-05 06-14-31

Learning alchemy and recipes in her free time.

TS3 2022-05-05 06-15-19

Then found a Fountain of Youth potion for sale.  Whew!

TS3 2022-05-05 06-19-37

Burrito no more.

TS3 2022-05-05 06-38-13

She spends her time between both consignment shops buying and selling.  Today, she is listing all of her wedding gifts.

TS3 2022-05-05 06-45-27

Then heading off to do some more work.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-00-29

Not utilizing Jay to the fullest was an oversight on my part.  Until I realize this, Wisteria works the potion stand.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-05-57

Then I remember Jay has no other thing in life to do besides make them both young again.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-07-13

Wisteria potty trains Apple.  Apple will utilize playpen and walker from the store for the other skills she needs.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-13-25

Wisteria takes on alchemy while Jay attempts suicide.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-16-19

Wisteria:  You invite me to a party and then woohoo through it.  Is this an orgy?  Can anyone join in?

TS3 2022-05-05 07-30-06

This is going super fast!

TS3 2022-05-05 07-30-43

Daddy #2 is spotted.

Name: German Winter-Fizz
Celebrity:  0 star
Occult: Imaginary Friend (found out later when checking the baby stats)
Job:  Journalism
Zodiac: Scorpio
Social Group: None

TS3 2022-05-05 07-35-51

As she learns all she can from this guy, Wisteria is plotting how to get him to her house.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-36-36

How about a random group up to go here.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-38-28

Oops, it turned into a date on the first flirt.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-39-30

Two times in the shower with no luck.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-43-01

Jay gives me flashbacks with a hint of PTSD.

For once, my electrocution went okay.  Jay runs off to shower.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-43-28

Which frees up the downstairs so that Wisteria and German can sneak into the bed.  3rd time was the charm.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-48-47

Money is no object right now.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-51-47

Aww, Apple is ready for her birthday.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-52-35

He is so cute.  I wonder which Tart contributed to these looks.  I see hints of either Sage or Jade around the lips and skin coloring.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-54-28

Random eye color, otherwise she is mostly Wisteria.

TS3 2022-05-05 07-56-10

Wisteria:  Again?
Jay:  Just be glad I will continue to make sure we will live forever.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-03-29

They are capable of doing other things.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-08-13

Like finding spirits in the back yard.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-17-57

And taking the Aptitude Test.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-18-24

Not bad, girl.  All the skill books and tabcasts are paying off.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-22-30

…and work gets put on hold yet again.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-24-23

TS3 2022-05-05 08-26-44

She gets around town just in time for the payments to come in.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-27-46

Apple is not a fan right now.  She has no interest in homework.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-33-22

Wisteria:  Dude, can you turn human so we can see if you can be added to my collection?
Micah:  *points to the full moon*

TS3 2022-05-05 08-34-55

They can still communicate at least.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-36-28

Micah gets added to the list.  The only thing that won’t count is his zodiac sign.  Now, she just needs to pop out this kid.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-40-02

He is getting nowhere fast, but logic to 7 is not too shabby.

TS3 2022-05-05 08-42-24

Teen incoming!

TS3 2022-05-05 09-40-28

Did I mention that Jay has a job in journalism?  Well he does and now he has to write some stories to advance past level 4, which he has been stuck at for a week or two.

TS3 2022-05-05 09-42-18

I don’t want anyone else on a computer, so he gets a personal portable one.

TS3 2022-05-05 09-46-35

This is just for bragging.  Lifespan is too short to use this for aging up opportunities.

TS3 2022-05-05 09-48-22

Apple:  Are you really a ghost hunter?
Wisteria:  It’s more like a part-time job at this point, but yes I am.

TS3 2022-05-05 09-50-15

Apple wanted a fairy house and after a nap, she ages up to teen.

TS3 2022-05-05 10-07-34

Wisteria:  OH HELL NO!

TS3 2022-05-05 10-08-03

Wisteria hits Micah with one of her last potions.

TS3 2022-05-05 10-29-02

Oh she turned out interesting.

TS3 2022-05-05 10-34-09

Wisteria:  Hey, Micah, want to come over?
Micah:  I’m too busy, call me in 5 hours.

Grrr.  Yes, that would be a baby in the background.  Welcome Bubble!

TS3 2022-05-05 10-49-31

Wisteria:  Thanks for coming over.
Micah:  I had some free time and you mentioned spreading your legs.

Name: Micah Muffin-Splash
Celebrity:  1 star
Occult: Werewolf
Job:  Science
Zodiac: Scorpio (already used)
Social Group: Nerd

TS3 2022-05-05 10-52-00

After the sperm takes hold of her uterus, it’s back to work.

Who’s Your Daddy Scoring
3 Pregnancies (max of 26)
0.2 Husband Bonus
0.3 Celebrity Cluster
0.3 Occult Cluster
0 Travel Cluster
0.1 Social Group Cluster
0.3 Job Cluster
0.1 Zodiac Cluster
0.4 Lifespan
0 LTRs
0 Social Worker Penalty
4.7 Total Score

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